What Is Hair Porosity and What Does It Mean for Your Hair?
As similar as hair types can be, the reality is that no two types of hair are alike. It’s true for curls and it’s surely true when it comes to hair porosity. Here at Brilliance New York, we’ve spent years perfecting the best hair products and hair tools for hair of all lengths and textures and yes, even porosity. So what is hair porosity and how does it affect your hair care routine?
In the most basic understanding, hair porosity is your hair’s natural ability to absorb H2O! This will determine how much moisture your hair retains, which impacts the natural appearance of your hair.
There are a few pretty well-known ways to tell how porous your hair is. Here are three quick and easy ways to test your hair porosity.
The strand test for hair porosity requires you to take strands of hair from different sections of your hair. Do it with your bangs, the crown of your head, and so on. Starting at your roots, place your hair strands between your thumb and your index finger. Then, slide your fingers towards the ends of your hair.
Did your fingers glide through your hair? Or did you have a hard time moving your fingers?
If your fingers glide through your hair then your hair is pretty porous. The moisture in your hair lubricated it making less friction. If you had a harder time doing it, you probably have less porous hair.
Have you been losing hair when you shower or brush your hair? Take a piece of hair and a bowl of water to see if your hair is porous. If you drop your hair into a bowl of water and it floats, your hair doesn’t absorb water, meaning it’s less porous. If it sinks, then you know it absorbs moisture easier.
Finally, to test the porosity of your hair, all you need is to spray some water onto your locks. Does your hair stay wet as the water stays on top of your hair or does it get absorbed easily? If your hair had an easy time absorbing moisture then you know that you likely have more porous hair.
If your hair is very porous then you’re in luck! Your hair not only retains moisture but it will also retain nutrients that make your hair pop brilliantly! We recommend the Diamond Drops with Argan oil for beautiful and strong hair!
What Is Hair Porosity?
In the most basic understanding, hair porosity is your hair’s natural ability to absorb H2O! This will determine how much moisture your hair retains, which impacts the natural appearance of your hair.
How to Determine Your Hair’s Porosity Level
There are a few pretty well-known ways to tell how porous your hair is. Here are three quick and easy ways to test your hair porosity.
the Strand Test
The strand test for hair porosity requires you to take strands of hair from different sections of your hair. Do it with your bangs, the crown of your head, and so on. Starting at your roots, place your hair strands between your thumb and your index finger. Then, slide your fingers towards the ends of your hair.
Did your fingers glide through your hair? Or did you have a hard time moving your fingers?
If your fingers glide through your hair then your hair is pretty porous. The moisture in your hair lubricated it making less friction. If you had a harder time doing it, you probably have less porous hair.
Check With Shedding Hair
Have you been losing hair when you shower or brush your hair? Take a piece of hair and a bowl of water to see if your hair is porous. If you drop your hair into a bowl of water and it floats, your hair doesn’t absorb water, meaning it’s less porous. If it sinks, then you know it absorbs moisture easier.
Spray Your Hair
Finally, to test the porosity of your hair, all you need is to spray some water onto your locks. Does your hair stay wet as the water stays on top of your hair or does it get absorbed easily? If your hair had an easy time absorbing moisture then you know that you likely have more porous hair.
What Are the Best Hair Products for Porous Hair?
If your hair is very porous then you’re in luck! Your hair not only retains moisture but it will also retain nutrients that make your hair pop brilliantly! We recommend the Diamond Drops with Argan oil for beautiful and strong hair!